TAPAS AT MCKENNA’S November 11th
November 12, 2010
- Fourteen people turned up, three were newcomers
- Stormy weather did not help, one cyclist from central Dublin texted to say they could not make it – thanks, see you next time!
- Average age went up again. Still chasing students….
- Some people drinking in the lounge showed interest in coming
- The Opps Board: opportunity offered last week to do some marketing for the Glencree Youth Centre project was picked up by a person who attended! This week someone looking for two rowing-boats to buy for a film-shoot and then to rent in Dun Laoghaire harbour…
- Person from southside inner-city won the Draw for the TAM (Tapas at McKenna’s) PRIZE of two free Pizzas at the local Milano Restaurant.
- Enforced teaching of Irish in schools was (and is) wrong and has been counter-productive!
- The Irish education system needs to be transformed! Initiative starting next Friday, 19th Nov in Bewley’s, Grafton Street 4-7pm (Contact: barry@design21c.com)
- Mosaic Art, which is little known in Ireland, presented by Mary Whelan – www.mosaicart.ie
- INNOVATION DUBLIN 2010 – focussing on The Creative Cupboard at DLR County Hall (15-17 Nov) and The Flash Advisory Board at McKenna’s Pub (15 Nov 6-7.30pm) www.innovationdublin.ie
Next TAPAS AT McKENNA’S on Thursday, 18th November (and each following Thursday) from 5.30pm-7.30pm.
Please feel welcome to come and bring a friend.
See you then…