TAPAS AT MCKENNA’S November 18th
November 19, 2010
- Ten people turned up, one newcomer
- “One of the best TAM events so far,” according to one regular
- Hosted by Mik Watts. Alec Taylor travelling.
- Councillor who had planned to come could not make it, but sent an apology and will try to come next Thursday
- A leading member of the DESIGNING DUBLIN – Love the City team (young woman architect) also plans to come next time
- Still chasing students. Councillor Stephen Fitzpatrick, who recently attended, is working on that….
- The Opps Board: This week someone still looking for two rowing-boats to buy for a film-shoot and then to rent in Dun Laoghaire harbour…
- Singaporean living in Harbour View won the Draw for the TAM (Tapas at McKenna’s) PRIZE of two free Pizzas at the local Milano Restaurant.
- Supermarket Promotions
- Dumbing down of Classical Music Station
- The TAM Opps (Opportunities) Board which provides the chance to advertise opportunities sought and opportunities offered. This is displayed each week in McKenna’s Lounge and all who come are encouraged to make use of it.
- McKenna’s Pub itself, which regularly features Darts Competitions, Pub Quizzes, Outings…. and hosts private functions in the Lounge
Next TAPAS AT McKENNA’S on Thursday, 25th November (and the following two Thursdays) from 5.30pm-7.30pm. Last TAM before Christmas, 9th Dec.
Please feel welcome to come and bring a friend.
See you then…
Alec Taylor, organiser
Email: alectaylor@multi-talent.eu.com
Tel: 087-6460399
Twitter: @multi_talent
Find us on Facebook: ‘Tapas at McKenna’s’