December 13, 2010
The most recent Tapas At McKenna’s (TAM) event took place at FRANK McKENNA’s Pub, George’s Place, Dun Laoghaire (behind St. Michael’s Hospital, at the junction with Wellington Street) where we had our biggest turnout to date. Here are the results of the night.
- Twenty-six people turned up, highest turnout so far. Weather still tricky, so thanks to all those who put on their skates to come!
- Average age coming down…..
- Ten newcomers, including some young professionals from Belgium, South Africa, and Austria
- One McKenna’s ‘regular’ came over and joined us. Said he really enjoyed it.
- The Opps Board: opportunity offered to do some paid house-painting. Also, someone offering NLP coaching services, both privately and professionally.
- SIX ITEMS from local businesses in the special Christmas Draw for the TAM (Tapas at McKenna’s) PRIZE. Two free pizzas from Milano’s, a Guide Dog charity calendar, two long-lasting light bulbs from Knowles Electrical up the street, a bottle of Sandemans Port from our host, Arthur McKenna, a special pack of skincare products from Unicare Pharmacy, and two handsome oil-lamps from Yours Personally. Our thanks to all those who very nicely contributed these items!
- Everyone agreed to put an extra €1 in the box, which allowed us to give €26 to one of our regular TAMmers, Rosemary Smyth, who chairs the local Guide Dog Association branch.
- The unwanted, unsolicited, wasteful flyers in newspapers
- The exaggerated medical fees in Ireland compared to other countries, and the wisdom of asking “what will you charge me?”
- The case for more entrepreneurship in Ireland, starting in primary schools. Example of Wales
- NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) as a means of realising our potential and gaining self-esteem and self-confidence. Coaching services are offered to individuals and to companies
- IMPROV….using improvisation to solve problems and change behaviours. Involves enacting scenes spontaneously. Example of Augusto Boal in Brazil, who helped people and communities to change their attitudes and responses (‘The Theatre of the Oppressed’).
The first-ever PROMORANT
- One regular participant ranted forcefully that the TAM event should continue in the New Year, and got an impressive show of hands in favour. He very nicely handed a Christmas card signed by all present and a Christmas present to Alec Taylor as initiator and organiser of TAM.
Next TAPAS AT McKENNA’S in January, 2011. Watch this space for start-date…..
Alec Taylor, organiser
Email: alectaylor@multi-talent.eu.com
Tel: 087-6460399
Twitter: @multi_talent
Find us on Facebook: ‘Tapas at McKenna’s’