The idea behind multi-talent is that everyone has more than one talent, but not always the chance to express them, that we all have good ideas, but not always the confidence to promote them. Like an iceberg, there is a lot of us that hides below the water-line.
Hidden Talents
The founder of multi-talent, Alec Taylor, started experimenting in the late 90’s with workshops that encouraged the creative talents and the confidence (of individuals and organisations) to come to the surface.
This pioneering phase involved working with companies and their teams, with homeless young people, with students of creativity, with senior citizens.
Bottom-line Benefits
The results showed that discovering and giving expression to hidden, untapped creative talents is good not only for the business bottom-line, but for team-members themselves, and for communities.
Combining Creativity, Communication, and Confidence
Contributing and sharing these new ideas with confidence needs communication skills, so multi-talent brings together the three – creativity, communication, and confidence – to benefit organisations and individuals.