TAM Summer Break
May 31, 2011
The TAM event at McKenna’s Pub in Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, is now on holiday until October, 2011. Watch this space from September onwards to find out when the TAM autumn schedule starts.
Tapas at McKenna’s THURSDAY JANUARY 27
January 27, 2011
(Tapas at McKenna’s or Talk and Motivation)
hosted by Fergal McLoughlin
Thursday, 27th January, 2011
(followed by: Feb 10th and 24th, March 10th and 24th, April 7th)
5.30-7.45pm at FRANK McKENNA’s Pub, George’s Place, Dun Laoghaire
(behind St. Michael’s Hospital, at the junction with Wellington Street)
This Citizens ‘THINK-IN’ (CTI) is a grassroots initiative with the aim of:
- creating a regular, fortnightly social and networking event for the local community
- encouraging employment through sharing Opps (opportunities offered and sought)
- bringing extra custom to Frank McKenna’s Pub
Topics of conversation will be sparked by ‘2-MINUTE RANTS’ and ‘2-MINUTE PROMOS’. So, there will be opportunities to let off steam and equally, to draw attention to worthwhile events and causes.
This TAM will close with the new ARTSPOT – a couple of songs from Matthew Doyle, who busks on George’s Street.
December 13, 2010
The most recent Tapas At McKenna’s (TAM) event took place at FRANK McKENNA’s Pub, George’s Place, Dun Laoghaire (behind St. Michael’s Hospital, at the junction with Wellington Street) where we had our biggest turnout to date. Here are the results of the night.
- Twenty-six people turned up, highest turnout so far. Weather still tricky, so thanks to all those who put on their skates to come!
- Average age coming down…..
- Ten newcomers, including some young professionals from Belgium, South Africa, and Austria
- One McKenna’s ‘regular’ came over and joined us. Said he really enjoyed it.
- The Opps Board: opportunity offered to do some paid house-painting. Also, someone offering NLP coaching services, both privately and professionally.
- SIX ITEMS from local businesses in the special Christmas Draw for the TAM (Tapas at McKenna’s) PRIZE. Two free pizzas from Milano’s, a Guide Dog charity calendar, two long-lasting light bulbs from Knowles Electrical up the street, a bottle of Sandemans Port from our host, Arthur McKenna, a special pack of skincare products from Unicare Pharmacy, and two handsome oil-lamps from Yours Personally. Our thanks to all those who very nicely contributed these items!
- Everyone agreed to put an extra €1 in the box, which allowed us to give €26 to one of our regular TAMmers, Rosemary Smyth, who chairs the local Guide Dog Association branch.
- The unwanted, unsolicited, wasteful flyers in newspapers
- The exaggerated medical fees in Ireland compared to other countries, and the wisdom of asking “what will you charge me?”
- The case for more entrepreneurship in Ireland, starting in primary schools. Example of Wales
- NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) as a means of realising our potential and gaining self-esteem and self-confidence. Coaching services are offered to individuals and to companies
- IMPROV….using improvisation to solve problems and change behaviours. Involves enacting scenes spontaneously. Example of Augusto Boal in Brazil, who helped people and communities to change their attitudes and responses (‘The Theatre of the Oppressed’).
The first-ever PROMORANT
- One regular participant ranted forcefully that the TAM event should continue in the New Year, and got an impressive show of hands in favour. He very nicely handed a Christmas card signed by all present and a Christmas present to Alec Taylor as initiator and organiser of TAM.
Next TAPAS AT McKENNA’S in January, 2011. Watch this space for start-date…..
Alec Taylor, organiser
Email: alectaylor@multi-talent.eu.com
Tel: 087-6460399
Twitter: @multi_talent
Find us on Facebook: ‘Tapas at McKenna’s’
TAPAS AT MCKENNA’S November 18th
November 19, 2010
- Ten people turned up, one newcomer
- “One of the best TAM events so far,” according to one regular
- Hosted by Mik Watts. Alec Taylor travelling.
- Councillor who had planned to come could not make it, but sent an apology and will try to come next Thursday
- A leading member of the DESIGNING DUBLIN – Love the City team (young woman architect) also plans to come next time
- Still chasing students. Councillor Stephen Fitzpatrick, who recently attended, is working on that….
- The Opps Board: This week someone still looking for two rowing-boats to buy for a film-shoot and then to rent in Dun Laoghaire harbour…
- Singaporean living in Harbour View won the Draw for the TAM (Tapas at McKenna’s) PRIZE of two free Pizzas at the local Milano Restaurant.
- Supermarket Promotions
- Dumbing down of Classical Music Station
- The TAM Opps (Opportunities) Board which provides the chance to advertise opportunities sought and opportunities offered. This is displayed each week in McKenna’s Lounge and all who come are encouraged to make use of it.
- McKenna’s Pub itself, which regularly features Darts Competitions, Pub Quizzes, Outings…. and hosts private functions in the Lounge
Next TAPAS AT McKENNA’S on Thursday, 25th November (and the following two Thursdays) from 5.30pm-7.30pm. Last TAM before Christmas, 9th Dec.
Please feel welcome to come and bring a friend.
See you then…
Alec Taylor, organiser
Email: alectaylor@multi-talent.eu.com
Tel: 087-6460399
Twitter: @multi_talent
Find us on Facebook: ‘Tapas at McKenna’s’
TAPAS AT MCKENNA’S November 11th
November 12, 2010
- Fourteen people turned up, three were newcomers
- Stormy weather did not help, one cyclist from central Dublin texted to say they could not make it – thanks, see you next time!
- Average age went up again. Still chasing students….
- Some people drinking in the lounge showed interest in coming
- The Opps Board: opportunity offered last week to do some marketing for the Glencree Youth Centre project was picked up by a person who attended! This week someone looking for two rowing-boats to buy for a film-shoot and then to rent in Dun Laoghaire harbour…
- Person from southside inner-city won the Draw for the TAM (Tapas at McKenna’s) PRIZE of two free Pizzas at the local Milano Restaurant.
- Enforced teaching of Irish in schools was (and is) wrong and has been counter-productive!
- The Irish education system needs to be transformed! Initiative starting next Friday, 19th Nov in Bewley’s, Grafton Street 4-7pm (Contact: barry@design21c.com)
- Mosaic Art, which is little known in Ireland, presented by Mary Whelan – www.mosaicart.ie
- INNOVATION DUBLIN 2010 – focussing on The Creative Cupboard at DLR County Hall (15-17 Nov) and The Flash Advisory Board at McKenna’s Pub (15 Nov 6-7.30pm) www.innovationdublin.ie
Next TAPAS AT McKENNA’S on Thursday, 18th November (and each following Thursday) from 5.30pm-7.30pm.
Please feel welcome to come and bring a friend.
See you then…
November 10, 2010
Citizens ‘THINK-IN’, Thursdays 5.30-7.30pm
FRANK McKENNA’s Pub, George’s Place, Dun Laoghaire
(behind St. Michael’s Hospital, at the junction with Wellington Street)
Thursday, 4th November, 2010
- Twenty-five people turned up, twelve were newcomers
- Including one Dun Laoghaire Rathdown councillor
- Some had to leave early and a few came late, which is fine
- Average age – coming down
- One woman student. (more students next time – DLR councillor will help… Thanks!)
- Re Opps: opportunity offered to do some marketing for the Glencree Youth Centre project, and a student photographer was offered the chance to attend the Press Launch of The Famine Walk
- Person from Ballybrack won the Draw for the TAM (Tapas at McKenna’s) Prize of two free Pizzas at the local Milano Restaurant. Milano’s have agreed to extend the prize for another four weeks!
There were two RANTS:
- We’re not doing enough to help the unemployed! (Positive example given of www.halfaloaf.ie)
- Queue-jumpers!
There were two PROMOS:
- Dun Laoghaire Enterprise Centre (Photographer Mark Boland of Silver Image Photography explained how it works for his business)
- DESIGNING DUBLIN ‘Love the City’ project – group of young professionals developing new ideas aimed at making Dublin City centre more attractive, eg ‘Anti-squatting’, ‘Dublin’s 1000 Secret Places’
Next TAPAS AT McKENNA’S is on Thursday, 11th November (and each following Thursday) from 5.30pm-7.30pm.
Please feel welcome to come and bring a friend.
See you then…
Alec Taylor, organiser
Email: alectaylor@multi-talent.eu.com
Tel: 087-6460399
Twitter: @multi_talent
Find us on Facebook: ‘Tapas at McKenna’s’
October 15, 2010
On Wednesday, 14th October, I launched an initiative called:
Citizens ‘THINK-IN’, Thursdays 5.30-7.30pm
at FRANK McKENNA’s Pub, George’s Place, Dun Laoghaire (behind St. Michael’s Hospital, at the junction with Wellington Street)
These are the details on the flyer which awaits you when you enter McKenna’s Lounge:
“This Citizens ‘THINK-IN’ (CTI) is a grassroots initiative with the aim of:
- creating a regular, weekly social and networking event for the local community
- encouraging employment through sharing Opps (opportunities offered and sought)
- bringing extra custom to Frank McKenna’s Pub
All opinions expressed during the CTI are the property of each individual. The organiser takes no responsibility for the opinions expressed.
Please note:
- The collection of a contribution of €2,50 per person towards the cost of the Tapas entitles each contributor to take part in the Weekly TAM Draw (the current prize is a ‘Pizza for two’ at the local Milano Restaurant).
- All drinks, like the opinions expressed, are the responsibility of each individual.
- To reserve a 1-MINUTE RANT or 2-MINUTE PROMO slot, please talk to the host-facilitator for the next CTI, in advance.
A ‘RANT’ is defined as a call for something to be changed. It works best if the ranter adds a suggestion as to how this might happen.
A ‘PROMO’ is a plug for something deserving everyone’s attention and support.
5.30pm Welcome, including the first round of Tapas
5.45pm First 1-MINUTE RANT
6.15pm First 2-MINUTE PROMO
6.45pm Second 1-MINUTE RANT
7.15pm Second 2-MINUTE PROMO
7.30pm DRAW of the weekly TAM (Tapas at McKenna’s) Prize
Organiser: Alec Taylor Email: alectaylor@multi-talent.eu.com Tel: 087-6460399”
The results of this opening event were very encouraging:
- There were sixteen of us
- Five women, eleven men
- Including one Canadian, one Singaporean, one Brit
- Average age 50 plus…”solid oak, good for the foundations”
- No students, this time. But they will be coming…
- Woman from Sandyford won the Draw for the TAM (Tapas at McKenna’s) Prize of two free Pizzas at the Milano Restaurant opposite the Dart Station in Dun Laoghaire
- One Opp (opportunity) offered, and one Opp sought on the Opps Board. This needs to develop its potential…
- Tapas seemed to go down well. They were supplemented by homemade sandwiches made by Arthur McKenna, the publican. Thanks, Arthur.
- There were two RANTS (Estate agents, and the Papacy)
- There were two PROMOS (intro to the TAM event, and the role of Creativity – in Business and Education, especially at Primary level)
Not too bad for a first-off happening, but needs to get into its stride.
Please note…..
The next TAPAS AT McKENNA’S is on Thursday, 21st October (and each following Thursday) at 5.30-7.30pm.
Please feel welcome to come and bring a friend.
See you then…
May 30, 2010
The newly-renamed Multi-Talent FLASH ADVISORY BOARD focussed on Ireland and New Ross in May. Together with six professionals from my network (including a British-Austrian documentary film-maker and the President of the Portuguese Association of Creativity and Innovation) I spent the weekend of 20th-22nd May in the town, as guests of the Board of THE ROS TAPESTRY.
FROM VAB TO FAB – Announcing a Change of Name
May 6, 2010
After some thought, research, and testing, I have decided to change the name of the multi-talent VAB (Virtual Advisory Board) to FAB (Flash Advisory Board).
The word ‘virtual’, meaning ‘online, Internet-based’, was somewhat misleading, as we all come together in one place rather than linking up on the Web. On the other hand, the word ‘flash’ (from ‘Flash Mob’: where a group assembles, performs a task or event together, and then disperses) seems more appropriate to what actually happens. As those who have already taken part will know, an invited group of professionals/experts from my network meet up at an agreed location to pool their creative thinking and offer solutions to a business-owner’s challenge.
So, from today (6th May, 2010) the multi-talent VAB becomes the FAB or Flash Advisory Board!
April 27, 2010
That was the question addressed by six of us who were all members of the multi-talent VIRTUAL ADVISORY BOARD last weekend in Portugal.
The ‘Manta Alentejana’ (a traditional handwoven rug/garment/ wall-hanging) is a famous piece of Portugal’s heritage which is up for sale.

The Manta Alentejana
Different nationalities
The volcanic ash over nothern Europe cleared just in time to allow one Scot from the Isle of Mull, one Englishman, two Portuguese, and two Irishmen (including myself) to descend on the village of Monsaraz close to the Spanish border, east of Lisbon.
Information Gathering
Saturday, 24th April was spent quizzing the owner of the local handweaving business about her wish to sell her factory and her shop after almost thirty years spent safeguarding this dazzling, multi-coloured piece of Alentejo heritage. We met one of the last two women weavers at work in a converted olive oil factory, in which the owner herself lives in a stone-floored apartment.

The VAB board members in dialogue with the business owner (bottom right)

Doing our homework among the multitude of traditional designs.
Filtering and Fixing Options
On Sunday, sitting in the shade of an olive tree in the grounds of the old converted Alentejo farmhouse where we were staying, the ‘brainsurfing’ (as I prefer to call it) began. By 6pm that evening, we had come up with five viable options to offer the business-owner.
Solutions Chosen
Each member of the VAB took part in presenting these creative but realistic possibilities. After a short discussion she chose not one, but two of the proposed solutions aimed at selling her business and ensuring the continuation of the precious handweaving tradition.
One involves the use of Social Media, and the other a major event to be launched locally in 2011.
Cocktail of Knowledge and Experience
As an assorted group of professionals and experts covering heritage, business development and marketing, communication, interior design, and innovation, we all felt energised by the challenge of developing these ideas within 48 hours. Unlikely to meet again on the same Multi-Talent Virtual Advisory Board, we felt the richer for getting to know each other and for putting our collective creative thinking to work. It was also a valuable chance to expand our own personal networks.
Mission Accomplished
Now back at our home-bases, we will all watch with keen interest as the task of implementing the chosen optons begins in the coming weeks and months.
May the future of the ‘Manta Alentejana’ be as varied and as colourful as this handwoven treasure itself!
PS The next multi-talent VAB will take place in County Wexford, Ireland, on 21st-23rd May. Watch this space.