Think Creative
All levels of staff – from the Boardroom to the Back Office
To test and develop Creative Thinking in a workplace context, and boost individual confidence in trying out new ideas.
This workshop is based on tasks that require a creative approach and trying out new techniques to promote innovative thinkijng. Participants are challenged to come up with creative solutions to work-related problems.
The workshop-leader will introduce and explain the following multi-talent Tools:
- The ‚CTC’ (Component to Core) System, for deconstructing problems and solving them in a new way; working inwards from the periphery
- The ‚EPP’ (Extra-planetary Perspective) System, for using the imagination in a different, expanded framework
Participants are asked to try out new skills and experiment with the multi-talent Tools in an ‘Innovation Laboratory’ exercise, and to present the results of their work at the end of the workshop.
At the end of the workshop participants will have learned how to:
- use both sides of their brain to the full
- take problems apart and analyse them in a new way
- develop creative and unconventional ideas
- come up with practical, innovative solutions
- use their creativity more powerfully in their working environment
ONE DAY (09.00 to 17.30, with a one-hour lunch-break)